Olympic Design

Unser Mitglied Markus Osterwalder hat das Ergebnis seiner langjährigen Recherchen  über das Olympische Design in all seinen Facetten vorgelegt. Daraus ist ein beeindruckendes zweibändiges Werk über die visuelle Identität der Olympischen Spiele entstanden.  

Olympic Games – The Design 

One idea, 2 volumes, 57 Olympic Games, 160 designers, 6,500 images and one million hours of research in order to show the iconic symbols and the graphic imagery of the Olympic Games of the modern era. 

You might love the London 2012 dynamic pictograms or the Munich ’72 rainbow colors, the Tokyo ’64 minimalist logo, the Mexico ’68 all-over stripes, the Los Angeles ’84  confetti look or the Lillehammer ’94 local approach. 

When was the first logo, the first pictogram, the first design manual? 

Each edition of the Olympic Games has a unique identity and many of its design elements have been carried forward. As a matter of fact, some of these identities have been a great challenge for designers, but even more, they have marked milestones in the development of corporate design. 

Olympic Games – The Design is the first book to focus on the visual identities of every Games from Athens 1896 to Tokyo 2020.

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